The Parable of The Prodigal Son
Coloring Pages that depict the Parables Jesus told story scenes
The Parable of the Prodigal Son (also known as the Two Brothers, Lost Son, Loving Father, or Lovesick Father) is one of the
parables of Jesus and appears in Luke 15:11–32. Jesus Christ shares it with his disciples, the Pharisees and others.
In the story, a father has two sons. The younger son asks for his inheritance and after wasting his fortune
the word "prodigal" means "wastefully extravagant"), becomes destitute. He returns home with the intention of begging his father
to be made one of his hired servants, expecting his relationship with his father is likely severed. The father welcomes him back
and celebrates his return. The older son refuses to participate. The father reminds the older son that one day he will inherit
everything. But, they should still celebrate the return of the younger son because he was lost and is now found.